JT Clark

Hi! I’m JT Clark, Vice President of Endeavor Business Brokers. A question I get asked every day is “what is my business worth?” There are so many factors that go into the valuation of your business and it can become overwhelming without the right financial guidance. That’s where I come in.

I find value in businesses where others find headaches. I oversee the financial side of every transaction at Endeavor Business Brokers. A lot of the information out there pertains to how to value public companies over private company valuations. Our transactions are private to private, so I have grown my specialization in private business valuation. Let me value your business to achieve the highest, maximum sale price for the business you worked so hard to build.

In my line of work, I meet many different business owners of all sizes and industries. The valuation process is similar, but every business is different. This has afforded me a unique perspective to help value your business the right way. I take the time to deep dive into your books and find ways to add value to your business.

I studied Finance at the University of Scranton. After University, I met my business partner, Drew Carney, and together we founded Endeavor Business Brokers. 

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